Easy to Understand PHP framework called CodeIgniter

Yes yes yes, easy to understand php framework. But thats according to me.. 😀
(im sorry, this post using Indonesian)

gampang dimengerti..bukan berarti gampang lho….

CodeIgnitermerupakan framework aplikasi web based open source yang membantumu membuat program2 PHP yang menendang pantat keren

Coba bahas pelan pelan ah..

  1. yup, its open source, sumber terbuka, emm kalo gak salah artinya gratisan.. :D. Umumnya banyak disukai bagi temen2 yang sensitif about copyright, hak mengkopi, hak cipta. Iya si enak gratisan tapi mungkin support dari pengembangnya agak sangat kurang. Kan ada beberapa tu temen temen yang lebih suka ma after sales service. Walopun biasanya open source modelnya didukung ma forum yang aktif,kurang lebih begitu yak.
  2. Kerangka kerja alias framework. Pasti pada ngerti lah, belum?wiki lah. Google lah. Sumpah paling uda pada ngerti to?. Pokoknya semacam chunk code yang kita bisa pake, terutama fungsi fungsi dasar semacam validasi,ect sehingga kita koding bisa lebih cepat.( tergantung si, kalo lambat ngerti kayak aku, kemarin malah pusing muter2 bikin satu page/halaman aja susehnya minta ampun, dasar emang akunya aja yang gebleg lambat ngerti kali ya)
  3. Katanya buat nulis aplikasi yang kick-ass. Wuh upu kui. Kalo ga salah si ni CI ( CodeIgniter ) merupakan sebagaimana sepertinya dan sebagainya merupakan core bukan ding, apa ya pokoke strukturnya ampir mirip ama sebuah CMS Expression Engine berarti paling gak ni framework emang calon bikin program yang kick-ass lah, kan EE( expression engine) juga keren tu, jadi CI juga keren dong. Emmm..ya gak ya..ya pokoknya gitu lah.
  4. apa lagi ya.. Itu well documented. Dokumentasinya oke. Baca baca tu gak ribet
  5. Menurutku sederhana, simple, ga perlu kaya command prompt gitu deh, apa itu, masih bisa koding php kasar. Apa ya istilahnya, pake native php masih bisa keknya..:D ( sorry masih belajar menjelaskan dengan baik). Biasanya si kalo aku mentog make frameworknya, di koding serabutan masih bisa jalan 😀 (sorry again).
  6. Pakai M-V-C, Model View Controller, memisahkan antara model yang mengolah database, controller yang mengatur jalannya aplikasi, ama view presentasi/tampilan. Kurang lebih seperti itu, nanti kita coba bahas rame rame sambil jalan.
  7. Dukungan forumnya juga lumayan rame
  8. Ada plugin2 yang fungsional banget semacam user authentication,dsb

Ok sementara itu dulu, dah ngantug bwerat..maap jika banyak salah..mohon maap lahir batin.. Loh???!!.
Gud nite and Gud Luck….nanti coba kita bahas lagi di tulisan berikutnya..tak coba smampuku tapi..i hope its gonna help ..

PHP Framework

many web programmer has already know what a framework is. so a guess this article maybe dont really important because it maybe a little to basic. but person who beginning their web programming, like me, i hope this article gonna help.

ok,lets start with framework. a framework,from wiki is a basic conceptual structure used to solve or address complex issues ( wow whats that??? :D), from my opinion, framework is a collection of chunk codes, that we can reuse to make an application. ( waa makes me more dizzier with that ). let me try to use some example..mmmm and the sample maybe we can use..mmm..let me think…mmmm ( keep thinking …)

mmm..what about make a blackforest chocolate cake..(mmm..yummy)


if we only gonna make one single cake, maybe our mom can handle it easily. just like if we wanna make a static hompage, maybe you (not me ) could make it easily alone. but when i t comes to a lot of cakes, maybe our mom can still handle it, but thats gonna be need a lot of time, so maybe mom can split the tasks for making the cake. maybe mom handle the ingredient, father handle the mixer, brother handle the baking, sister handle the topping, and you the eating part (hehehe..). like we make some complex web application, a blog maybe. we need a function to handle login, the posts, etc.

i guess my example dont make any sense, but i hope you get the point. so i can say that a framework, is a collection of a function that can help us make more timeless and efficient apps. maybe its different with a library, library is a specific function that we can integrated in an apps, but a framework is more to create a whole application.

hufh..i think thats make it more confusing and complicated…i hope with my next posts this framework things will be more easy to understand.

next we will discuss about some php framework…

Upgrade firmware failed-Sierra Aircards 881u


at least, this is my first story after such long time…. it just because my one and the last thing i have to connect to the internet was suffered an injury. A broken updated firmware, and that happen just coz of own stupidity..( LOL ). Here it goes the stories……

Once upon a time, in a far far away kingdom, in the cool and freezin night,,there was a stupid boy called pradanang ( it’s me of course -LOL ). With all of his bravery and stupidity, he try to make firmware update of his one and only 881u HSDPA modem. Then he begin with the update, without thinking the risk, just upgrade,upgrade,upgrade and upgrade… Then something happen, in the upgrading software was written “the modem cannot be found, downloading firmware aborted” and the stupid boy screamin “NOOOOOOO…….”.

desperatly he try to reconnect the modem, using the 3G watcher..and there was writen no device detected, and that boy screamin again… “STUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID……”. That boy dont have any hope to life again ( life in the internet of course-LOL ). He call the modem seller, Mr Junaidi
to get a solution. Calling his friend also, using google to find the answer. two days without sleep comin for nothin. until mr, Junaidi gave a link and the boy harsly try it..

Ola, and its work! the modem was working again..It’s alive!!!!!! Thanks to mr Junaidi, what a great aftersales service. Now my modem was great and i can start blogging again..